Interview Tips

Whether this is your first time interviewing for a job, or the hundredth, we've collated some top tips and tricks to ensure your interview goes smoothly - and leads to you landing the job!

In Person Interviews

  1. Arrive early

Arriving 5-15 minutes early helps you avoid potential traffic and allows time for preparation, showcasing your punctuality. If you anticipate being late for an interview, it's best to notify the company/agency as soon as possible.

Remember, in person interviews gauge your fit with the company, so being late can negatively impact their first impression of you.


   2. Always research the company

Demonstrating an understanding of the organisation you're interviewing with not only equips you to address questions effectively, but also shows your interest in the company. Conduct thorough research into the company's history and market presence. For a more advanced approach, explore specific areas where, as a prospective candidate, you envision making a meaningful impact.

  3. Ask questions

Take a pen and notepad/paper to take notes and ask questions. This speaks volumes about a candidate, and hiring managers do notice!

Asking questions during an interview serves several crucial purposes:

  1. Demonstrates Interest: Inquiring about the company, its culture, and the role itself signals to the interviewer that you have a genuine interest in the position and have taken the time to research and understand the organisation.
  2. Clarifies Expectations: Asking questions provides an opportunity to gain clarity on job responsibilities, expectations, and the company's vision. This ensures that both you and the employer have a mutual understanding of what the role entails.
  3. Showcases Preparation: Well-thought-out questions demonstrate that you've prepared for the interview and have a good understanding of the industry, company, and its challenges. This can set you apart from candidates who may not have done as much research.
  4. Builds Rapport: Engaging in a two-way conversation creates a more dynamic and positive interaction. It demonstrates your interpersonal skills and your ability to contribute meaningfully to discussions.

  4. Dress appropriately

Your appearance is the first thing an interviewer notices, influencing their initial perception of you. A smart appearance also indicates that you take the interview seriously and understand professional expectations.

  5. First Impressions Count

Your first impression matters and tends to stick. So, check your attitude, energy, and appearance—they set the tone for the interaction. Being positive and well-presented goes a long way in maintaining a professional demeanor.

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